Category Archives: How To

How to Remove Samba TV from Your Sony Television

In a recent update of their Android software, Sony decided that it would be a good idea to add Samba TV and to nag you every time you turned the television on if you didn’t click the “install” button.

The options are basically now or later. With no obvious “never” answer even though you didn’t ask to install the app.

Not very user friendly and the only way to remove it is counter-intuitive:

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How To Send and Receive Faxes With an Internet Fax Service

Despite the advent of email, there are still times when you need to send or receive a fax and using an internet fax service makes this easy.

The trouble is, nowadays those times aren’t necessarily often enough to justify renting an extra phone line, buying a fax machine and keeping it topped up with paper and ink. Plus you’re not necessarily always near a physical fax machine – there’s probably one at the office but you likely don’t want one at home as well.

Fortunately, you’re not alone with this problem.

There are now companies who offer a virtual fax service. Continue reading

How To Get Rid of Foot Odor

Let’s face it, foot odor is embarassingFoot odor. It’s not something people like to talk about in polite company.

But if you’re unfortunate enough to suffer from smelly feet then it’s worth investigating how to get rid of foot odor.

If you’re like me, you’ll have tried all the over-the-counter foot odor products such as insoles, sprays, powders and the like.

In my case, they kind of tamed the smell but that was as far as it got…

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How To Get Rid Of Acne Quickly And Safely

Acne can strike at any age so you need to know how to get rid of acne when it strikes. When it attacks, it’s usually just before a date or an important meeting.

So what can you do to get rid of acne quick?how to get rid of acne

  • Stop popping your zits! Tempting as this is, it only makes things worse. It can also leave permanent acne scars.
  • Use a mild soap when you wash – this will help get rid of acne. Preferably a natural soap that really will be gentle on your skin.
  • Exfoliate regularly to get rid of acne. You can use natural exfoliants – ground walnut shells work a treat – or shop-bought exfoliants. Either way, don’t over-do it.
  • Use a skin toner to help get rid of the bacteria that gather in the pores of your skin.
  • Check your diet to see whether changing what you are eating could be the easiest way to get rid of acne.

Whilst none of these tips will necessarily get rid of acne overnight, there are some other things you can do to reduce the visibility of your acne.

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30 Day Wealth System Review

The 30 Day Wealth System claims it will show you how Rick Thomas went from being a worker in a fiberglass factory to someone who earned a 6 figure income in under 6 months.

Of course, lots of products make this kind of claim. And often you’re left thinking that the only reason the product owner made his money was by telling people like you and me how they did this. A bit like the old snake oil salesmen from days gone by, where the salesman’s wallet was cured rather more often than the disease.

So, does the 30 Day Wealth System live up to the hype or should you keep your wallet firmly under lock and key?

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How to Get Rid of Dandruff

Dandruff is messy and it’s a pain to keep having to flick bits of dead skin from your clothes, chairs, furniture, etc, so the question is how to get rid of dandruff? Seemingly everywhere you go, you’re leaving a trail of white dandruff flecks behind you.

You’ve probably tried Head and Shoulders and other shampoos designed to get rid of dandruff.

Maybe they helped to get rid of dandruff, maybe they didn’t. Maybe they worked for a while and then the dandruff crept back.

Maybe you gave up on them like I did when you read about the nasty ingredients such as Sodium Laureth/Lauryl Sulphate, innocently “derived from coconut”.

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Xbox 360 3 Red Light Fix Review

There’s almost nothing more annoying than a games console with an error but the Xbox 360 3 red light fix says it can help…

You can near enough guarantee that your Xbox will stop working at just the wrong moment – with the repair shops closed and seemingly nothing you can do apart from dust off an older console until you can get your Xbox 360 3 red light fixed at the repair shop.

So the promises of the Xbox 360 3 Red Light Fix sound interesting. But do they work?

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Constant Tiredness? Check This Stop Tiredness Now Review

Stop Tiredness Now claims to end constant tiredness, eliminate fatigue and give you more energy.

Our modern society expects us to buzz around and be constantly “on the ball”. So many things are available 24/7. The days of Sunday being a day of rest have been consigned to history. Especially when there’s a deadline to be met.

It’s no wonder we suffer from almost constant tiredness. But will this report help you to overcome your seemingly constant tiredness?

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